CTAS, a charitable 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, invites you to make a tax-deductible donation. We are not affiliated with or financially supported by Cheltenham Township or the School District. We rely solely on tuition fees and contributions from individuals and organizations who share our mission. Your gift will help us continue to offer our community a wide variety of informative, stimulating, and entertaining courses and programs at reasonable costs.

To donate online, please click the DONATE ONLINE button below and decide what amount you would like to donate. Or to mail in your donation, print out the form below.

We are truly grateful to the following individuals who made financial donations. This list acknowledges donors from the Fall 2023 semester. If you were a contributor and your name is not included, or if you have been listed incorrectly, we sincerely apologize. Please contact our office at 215-887-1720. 

PLATINUM / $1000+ 

Josh Baudhuin 

Sandra Spitzer McKelvey 

Ellen M Rubinstein 

GOLD / $500-$999 

Deborah Rubinsohn  

SILVER / $100–$499 

Denise King 

Jean Lifter 

Olga McHugh 

Joy Rampo 

Phyllis Taylor 

BRONZE / $10–$99 

Bertha Adams

Lynn Aschendorf

Joe Benhabib

Jeanne Burd

Judith Cohen

Shirley Davis

Sharon Dennison

Gita Estersohn

Edward Fulforth

Ronnie Gabriel 

Tony Green 

Chris Hoyler 

Carol Ingald 

Robert Jackson 

Edward Johnson 

Tony Johnson 

Betty Ann & Gerald Laut 

Michael Lavin  

Maxine Marlowe 

Lynn Nicholson 

Debbie Panebianco 

Lauren Pembroke 

Polly Phillippi 

Ann Reppplier 

Elliott Ressler 

Sandy Rooney 

Nora & Armand Saragovi 

Gail Wilson